Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Sidewalk Poetry

Recently, during Read to Self we spent a lot of time reading poetry.  Each time the children found a poem they enjoyed, we made a copy and placed the poems in their poetry pockets. Ask your child to tell you what a poetry pocket is!   Each child then selected his/her favorite poem and practiced reading it.  We learned that understanding a poem helps us to know how our voice should sound as read.   We then illustrated our poems using sidewalk chalk.  (Thanks for all the chalk donations!)  Listen to us recite our favorite poems!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Continent Expert Groups

Recently, we formed continent expert groups.  Each child's job was to become an expert on one of the 7 continents.  We first read nonfiction books on our continents. Then, collected information about the contents.  The focus of our information collecting was identifying the main idea and supporting details of the topics we read about.  Last, we worked with Mrs. K. in Google Drive to create slide shows.  Our next step is to teach others about the continent we are "experts on."  Check out our amazing slide shows.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Email me the correct answers to these questions by Friday, May 9th and earn 20 extra points!

1. What are the names of the 7 continents?
2.  We learned that poets use "tricks" when writing poetry.  What is one trick poets use?  Explain what the trick you chose means.
3. How may feet are in one yard?

Capilli Fitness

Last week Robin and Chris from Capilli Fitness came to Cedar.  The purpose of this visit was to encourage kids to get up an move!  We were exhausted after their visit, but we certainly had fun exercising!

Anthony: Scientist of the Week

Check out Anthony's amazing "eggs"periment!