Tuesday, January 17, 2017

What's New In Room 22?

We've been busy at work since our December break.     Folktales has been our focus during reading.  Ask your child to tell you some of the "ingredients" to a folktale!  I am really excited to see how our cereal box book folktale reports come out.  Just a reminder, this project is due January 25th.
We are also becoming more accurate and fluent readers.  During reading, we've been working on strategies that help us to figure out meanings of unknown words. Encourage your child to try these strategies when reading at home.
In writing, we've been working on a variety of strategies to make our narratives more exciting. One way is to "show don't tell" how we are feeling.  Look at our show don't tell posters!  

Be on the look out for our mitten suspense writing!  We will be posting these soon!

Scientist Update: Chase and Caden

Check out our latest scientists!

Photo Update!